In Singapore, fat termite queens are considered a delectable food. They can be preserved in rice wine, dipped in alcohol or served live!

It’s estimated that there are a thousand pounds of termites for every human being on earth. This translates to the weight of a full-sized cow!

In many parts of the world, termites build huge mounds above the ground. One such mound in Africa was 42 feet high – as tall as a double-storey house!

In some parts of America, termites build mud tubes to get into wood. One boasted a floor-to-ceiling length of 12 feet!

In the Amazon, some cultures believe that a termite colony in your home is a sign that you will die soon. The only way to avoid death is to abandon your home or destroy the colony.

The queen of an African termite species can grow as long as five inches and lay 30,000 eggs every day. Compare this to a chicken, which lays 180 to 320 eggs a year!

Termites never sleep – they work 24/7.

Subterranean termites are found in every US state except for Alaska.